Carla Fahey Kinesiology

When emotions find balance, the body finds healing.


KINESIOLOGY (kin-easy-ology) is natural therapy that uses muscle reflex testing to tap into the subconscious mind to identify and clear stress. 

In Kinesiology we use the Triad of Health which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves, using the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well as other natural remedies to determine what the body needs to bring it back to its innate state of balance. 

The beautiful process of a Kinesiology session will guide you to find your own, unique balance.

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Benefits Of Kinesiology

Kinesiology is a healing modality that can be used for a variety of conditions and challenges - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Eg, Nervous system regulation, trauma healing, self-esteem, pain and discomfort, women's health issues, and so much more.

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Why Use Kinesiology?

What separates kinesiology from other modalities is the power and clarity that comes from muscle testing. Simple put, Muscle Testing is a feedback system that allows us to access and communicate with the deeper parts of ourselves that would otherwise be invisible.

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What is Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology?

Commonly referred to as the EMK Modality, it is a heart-centred, yin-based Kinesiology modality. EMK works with Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophies, with a strong emphasis and focus on energetics, emotions, and the metaphysical energy and connection within the body.

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Kinesiology Remedies

In Kinesiology we are wanting to bring into balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts that make the whole you. We use a variety of remedies to assist this process - eg. Essential Oils, Acupressure, Flower Essences, and many more.

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Benefits of Kinesiology


Kinesiology works to shift pain symptoms as well as emotional stress and fears.

At a fundamental level, the kinesiology approach is recognising that where there is pain, fear and stress, there is always an underlying emotional connection to this experience.

By raising our vibration, we are clearing stress. Pain in the body  cannot  be sustained when we are in a  higher  state of  vibration.

Some of the areas I am passionate about helping people with are:

  • Nervous system healing, settling and regulation
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Clarity and focus
  • Co-dependency / attachment styles
  • Core limiting beliefs
  • Grief and loss
  • Loneliness
  • Letting go and releasing old stuck emotions
  • Energy levels and vitality - fatigue, tiredness and motivation
  • Trauma Healing, abuse and PTSD
  • General health and wellbeing
  • Self-confidence  


  • Clearing emotional stressors and triggers
  • Emotional cycles of anxiety, fear, guilt, anger or shame
  • Money blocks and attracting financial abundance
  • Physical symptoms, pain, discomfort, stress or dis-ease
  • De-activating and releasing self-sabotage programs, limiting beliefs, old stories, patterns, behaviours, attitudes, and genetic programming
  • Stress relief (work, personal, family, health, life balance, relationship, parenting)
  • Mental health - depressive tendencies, anxiety, fatigue, moodiness, negative thoughts)
  • Sleep difficulties, insomnia, over-thinking, lack of focus
  • Women’s health - PMS, menstrual pain, menopause
  • Body acceptance, self-image and self-love
  • Learning difficulties and brain integration
  • Restoring, settling and grounding the Body, Mind and Spirit
  • Self-esteem and self-worth
  • Skin issues and digestive imbalances

Why Use Kinesiology?

Muscle Reflex Testing (MRT) overrides the operating system of the sub conscious mind, allowing us to communicate with and gather information about the reactive parts of ourselves.

Muscle testing is a biofeedback mechanism that allows the kinesiologist to bypass your conscious mind and tap into your subconscious – effortlessly identifying what the body is holding onto and which energy system this stress or imbalance is located in. 

In a kinesiology balance, communicates (through muscle testing) its own unique roadmap to your own experiences and healing. Seeing a Kinesiologist is like having a deep and meaningful conversation with the body. 


Through muscle testing, your body can tell us: 

  • What the exact stress is 
  • What age this pattern started (including pre-birth, past lives and generational patterns)
  • Who is involved in this stress 
  • What emotions are involved 
  • What energy system it is affecting 
  • Specifics on what your body needs to clear to resolve that stress 
  • Exactly what your body needs to shift you into a more easeful state of being 

Muscle testing is really gentle. I generally work with a bent arm (brachioradialis muscle) and apply gradual pressure to find where the imbalances are. By placing muscles in a specific position and applying this gentle pressure, the subconscious is accessed through nerve pathways that have a direct correlation with memories, beliefs and the programming of our minds that often keep us limited in our life experiences. These limiting beliefs keep us stuck in cycles and patterns that are no longer serving our highest good and well-being. 

By the end of your kinesiology balance, you will walk away equipped with tools and remedies that your own body has asked for so that you can move forward with greater ease. 


What is Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology? (EMK)

These sessions are ultimately clearing stress, fear, trauma and pain from the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. Muscle reflex testing is used to tap into the subconscious mind to clear negative patterns, limiting beliefs, sabotage programs, or any mental/emotional stress.

All physical symptoms have an underlying emotional connection. Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology allows the body’s own natural innate healing energy to assist in dissolving the physical symptoms of dis-ease and illness. 

By tapping into the emotions hidden under any stress, pain, or dis-ease, and processing them, you are able to clear old patterns, limiting beliefs, sabotage programs, emotional stressors and shift physical symptoms from the body, which enables the body to naturally and innately heal itself.


Kinesiology Remedies


Natural remedies, corrections, protocols and tools are used throughout the session to bring the body back to its innate state of balance.

The remedies used have a specific focus to connect us to our senses. Utilising the senses, these remedies help us unpack the subconscious connection to the stress that we experiencing.

For example, essential oils access the senses of smell and taste.  Metaphysically speaking, they are connected to success and being able to smell or taste success ahead but not necessarily being able to reach it yet - similar to when bread is being baked and you are able to smell and taste it but can't necessarily see who is baking it, where it is and are not able to grab hold of it. Essential oils could be used in a balance when you are reaching for something but haven't yet got a grasp of it. It can help clear out certain feelings and infuse feelings that you desire to support you in reaching your goals and successes.


Raising Vibration

Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. In Kinesiology, we are working with energy, raising your frequency/vibration. To correct energy/frequency imbalances, we use gentle and natural remedies and tools to balance the body, such as...

  • Acupressure points
  • Affirmations
  • Attitude changes
  • Energetic Balancing Sprays and Balancing Blends (topical roller-blends)
  • Belief System Upgrades
  • Clearing sprays
  • Colour Therapy (glasses, chromotherapy crystal torch)
  • Crystals
  • Crystal Gridding
  • Emotional Stress Release Points
  • Energy Healing 
  • Essential Oils
  • Flower Essences
  • Meridian Flushing (TCM)
  • Moxibustion (TCM)
  • Nature’s Healing Chi
  • Oracle Cards
  • Sacred Geometry
  • Sacred Smoke (Sage, Palo Santo, Incense)
  • Shamanic Healing Tools
  • Sound Therapy (tuning forks, ting shas, singing bowls)
  • Temporal Tapping
  • Water Infusions

Special Launch Pricing

Save $120 when you book a New Client Kinesiology Balance in February (Online or at the Mooloolaba Wellness Collective, Sunshine Coast).

You will receive all the healing care you would in a 90min New Client Session (normally $240), but only pay the special launch price of $120. 

If you are thinking of using kinesiology in the near future, this Launch Price discount is a great way to start your healing at the best price possible.

*Only available for kinesiology sessions held in February 2025.

[New Client] Kinesiology Balance
($240 $120 Launch Pricing)

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[Returning Client] Kinesiology Balance


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[New Client] Kinesiology Balance
90 mins - ONLINE

($240 $120 Launch Pricing)

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[Returning Client] Kinesiology Balance

60 mins - ONLINE

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