Intuitive Card Pick

Need some quick guidance?

Looking for some clarity?

Want clear energetic focus?
Sometimes you just need a short and sharp message. If a 1 hour Tarot reading was a 3 course meal, consider these Intuitive Card Picks a 'Coffee and Cake' pick-me-up delight!
You hold your intention for the guidance you wish to receive, and Carla will tap into this energy and send you a personal audio memo with your personal message!

A straight-to-the-point intuitive download that will help you go forth with clarity.
PICK A CARD FOR MEA single card pick delivering intuitive guidance just for you!
What you'll get:
- Voice memo with love and intuitive messages received from Carla to you

- Your personal intuitive message in your inbox within 24 hours

This card can be a focus for the week ahead or asking for clarity around a situation...or simply receiving a message that your Guides and the Universe have for you.

NOTE: Ask OPEN questions...


"What does the week ahead look like for me?"

"What can I do to align with my highest purpose?"

"What messages do my Guides have for me right now?"
Receive personal guidance whenever you need.